You Were Born to Dream

There is an energy running through the Emerald City right now that is almost electric. It has been growing in intensity all week. 12th Man flags hang from windows, balconies, and store fronts, on every street. Blue & green dominates the color scheme of everything...

No More Stinkin’ Thinkin’

Don’t believe everything you think. Go back and read that sentence again. Do you believe everything you think? Have you ever stopped to consider that just because you have a thought, doesn’t mean that it’s a fact? Yet, most of us tend to behave as if every thought we...

Letting Go When All You Want To Do Is Hold On

I stopped making New Year’s resolutions years ago. Not because I don’t believe in them; because I am not very good at keeping them. Perhaps, like me, you can relate to passionately charging into the new year with the best of intentions to stress less, relax more,...